
When Elderly Relatives Visit for the Holidays

After returning from our last overseas tour in 2011, I thought it would be easy hosting parents and in-laws who had aged significantly while we were overseas. I mean, how hard could it be? Change some sheets, scramble a few eggs, make a dinner or two, do a little sight-seeing, right?…

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What Would Schneider Do? Four Holiday Shopping Fixes for the Supply Chain Crisis

I’m not one of those people who gets their holiday shopping done before Thanksgiving. Rather, I’m more accustomed to the last-minute panic that comes when I realize it’s two weeks before Christmas and I’ve only managed to purchase novelty socks and a loofa gift set for no one in particular….

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Still Serving After the Service

After 28 years of service, it’s engrained, rooted, part and parcel of who are. Francis’ Navy uniforms may be hanging in a storage closet (and may not fit anymore), but we’ll always wear our service-mindedness on our sleeves….

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Camaraderie Never Retires

“That needs to be tested,” a TSA agent said, pointing to the Miralax in my carry on…“How embarrassing,” I thought, unaware that my circumstance would get worse. After submitting to the machine that blows a puff while you stand with arms overhead, I was told that the bottle’s contents had been flagged as “suspicious.”

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