my birthday was not a total wash.
Not that I care or anything . . . really.
My husband totally forgot it was my birthday this year. But you know, I’m so easy going, it really didn’t bother me in the slightest. As long as everyone else is happy, I’m completely content. I wouldn’t even think of putting anyone out for my silly old birthday. I wrote about my selflessness a couple years ago, and thought my forgotten 46th birthday was the perfect occasion to repost an updated version. Not that I’m upset or anything. Really.
It’s my birthday today. I really don’t want anything. Really.
I just want to relax. That’s all. Maybe a little sunshine. But that’s it. I just want to sit out on my patio in the sun and relax.
Sure, I might want a cocktail while I sit out there. Nothing fancy. Maybe a beer. Maybe a wine spritzer. No big deal. Ooo, or maybe some sangria, but not that yucky mix or the fake ones that people make with 7-Up and bad wine. One of the real ones that has been soaking in fruit all day long. Yea, that would be good.
But I do like frozen drinks when it’s sunny too. Like a strawberry daiquiri or a frozen margarita. Oh, I know what would be good ÔÇô a Lemon Drop with real squeezed lemon or a Mojito with the fresh mint and crushed limes. I love those things. Or maybe one of those Pink Lemonades made out of cold Lim├│n cello and cranberry juice. Oo, now that’s the ticket.
But I wouldn’t want to be pathetic sitting out there in the sun all by myself, so maybe it would be good if a friend sat with me. I wouldn’t want to put anyone out or make them feel obligated. Just a good friend who isn’t just trying to get the check in the box. Someone who really appreciates me and likes to listen to my stories. That’s all. And of course it would be good if she brought the drinks so I wouldn’t have to make them myself.
Actually, it would be neat if other friends got word it was my birthday and were like, “It’s Lisa’s birthday! She’s so funny and cool, we need to go celebrate with her!” Not the friends that think, “Oh crap, it’s Lisa’s birthday . . . I’ll just run over and regift that candle I got for Mother’s Day.”
Just a few sincere friends on the patio with drinks, that’s all. Although, it would be nice if they all chipped in without me knowing and bought me something special. Nothing expensive, just something really meaningful that they all knew I would appreciate. That would be awesome.
But seriously, I really don’t want anything. However, I hope I don’t have to cook tonight. It would be great if my husband just picked up some take out so the kids get fed. I really don’t care what it is. Just something light to go with the cocktails. A big Greek salad would taste good. Maybe with a bit of crumbled feta. Tzatziki with fresh dill and some kalmata olives would be fantastic. Oo, and some of that really soft flat bread warmed up on the grill to give it that smoky taste. I know what would be tasty — marinated grilled chicken breasts, thinly sliced. That would go great with the Pink Lemonades.
I don’t even need a cake today. But if a friend brings a little cupcake with a candle in it, I’ll be totally appreciative. I’d even be happy if the kids cooked a pan of brownies. They would like that. Personally, like them nice a gooey, and they taste so good when they are warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Drizzle some Baileys on top with a few dark chocolate curls and that’s a real dessert.
Seriously though, as long as the kids get fed tonight, I’ll be happy. I just hope they clean the kitchen when they’re done. I’m so sick of cleaning. Just the basics ÔÇô put the dishes in the dishwasher and wipe the crumbs up. It’s not that hard. It would only take a few minutes. Wouldn’t it be outstanding, though, if my husband secretly hired a cleaning person to clean the whole house? It would be unbelievable if I came up from my birthday cocktail party/Greek dinner and found a sparkling clean house.
I really don’t need anything from the kids. Maybe just a card. Just one that they made themselves, and took the time to write something touching inside with cute handwriting. One that they hid under their bed every night and worked on while I was cooking dinner. One that will bring a little tear to my eye. That would be nice.
But no gifts. Other than little things they made in art class. Like a little beaded bracelet or a key chain. Or maybe they snuck away with their father a while ago and went shopping for me. I’ll bet they all picked out something together, something I would have never thought to ask for because I never demand anything. Like some piece of jewelry that is stylish but meaningful or symbolic in some way. Or maybe an iPad. Or a Mediterranean cruise.
But any old thing will do, really. Like I said, I don’t really want anything. I just want to relax.
I better go plug in the video camera. It would really stink if all my friends came with the cocktails and surprise gift for the Greek dinner and no one had a camera to catch me on tape when I cry over the kids’ homemade cards and the necklace, and when I open the new iPad and the cruise tickets.
Just in case. You never know.
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Happy Birthday, Lisa. Loved your article and the perfect pacing from wanting nothing to wouldn’t it be nice to have an extravagant gift.
Thanks Sharon — Francis took me out for my “make up” birthday last night, and although I did not get a mediterranean cruise, I got a nice pair of running shoes and a set of antique oars I’ve had my eye on. Not too shabby…
Hey Lisa! As a belated birthday present, I bequeath to you the Reader Appreciation Award. Check it out here: http://podnumber2.wordpress.com/2012/06/06/dune-at-daylight/
Thank you Sara! I’m honored…
This is such an entertaining piece! I SO enjoy the subtle humor and rhythm of this escalating “ride” from humbleness to haughtiness that has me reading faster and faster to see what you will think of next!
Thanks for commenting AGAIN Maz — I know you read this piece when I first posted it two years ago!
Happy Birthday, that was a long list of delicious cocktails. I would suggest at least one of each so you will be better equipped if the iPad doesn’t make it to the party. Great post Lisa and really good picture!
Thanks Simon — I may copy your blog picture pose — what a great way to hide any problem areas!!
For future birthdays, just post a recurring event in your husbands calendar with a reminder (long enough for him to think about what to get you or do for you). did that with mine and works like a charm! (Also did that with is in my calender haha, we are just as bad!)
Nice tip – thanks! I hope he gave you something nice!
I enjoyed this post! I bet you’d appreciate a glimpse into future birthdays — say about 20 years down the road. If so, check out our bogs around December 10…both Gill and I wrote one and we think they’re quite funny. After all,If we, as moms can’t laugh, we’re done for.
Aint that that truth!