
Sibling Squabbles, Now and Then

One minute, siblings are happily sharing a Tonka truck in the sandbox or a Barbie in the tub, and the next minute someone ends up with a scratched cornea.

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Spring Break on a Shrimpy Budget

We simply had to go on a spring break trip. The only question was, “How’r we gonna pay for it?”

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Military Families Hit Harder by Inflation

Due to inflation, today’s military families are paying at least three times as much for groceries and gas. How did we get here?

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Military friendships forged from extreme embarrassment

“Put Neosporin on it,” I advised Francis, who’d jogged 17 miles that day, and chafed his inner thighs raw. We needed a quick solution, because he had a half hour to pick up the babysitter…

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