Camaraderie Never Retires

We made our flight to Dulles Airport, despite annoying run-around after check in. My husband, Francis, and I brought one checked back, which was five pounds too heavy. Unwilling to pay the $100 overweight bag fee, I frantically unloaded books I’d packed for my author event, but it was still over by a half pound. I grabbed the large bottle of Miralax laxative powder that I take every night, and plopped it into my carry on. 

“That needs to be tested,” a TSA agent said, pointing to the Miralax in my carry on. 

“How embarrassing,” I thought, unaware that my circumstance would get worse. After submitting to the machine that blows a puff while you stand with arms overhead, I was told that the bottle’s contents had been flagged as “suspicious.” 

“Female,” an agent said into a walkie-talkie. I was directed to wait in a secure area. 

Francis looked irritated, which irritated me. “They’re just doing their jobs,” I mouthed to him. If anyone should understand why security procedures are important, it should be Francis, who spent 28 years as a naval intelligence officer, and since retiring four years ago, now works in cyber security for a global bank.

A petite female agent with security gadgets neatly strapped to her uniform appeared minutes later. “Ma’am, this security procedure will require me to touch you,” she began, “do you have any conditions that cause you pain in any areas of your body?” She thoroughly explained every step while patting down my nooks and crevices three times over. 

She signaled to the male agents that I was cleared, but we still had to wait, while they leafed through the pages of every book that was in my carry on, twice over. Are humor books and powdered stool softener a security risk?

Somehow, we made it to my author event at Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia. By the time we arrived, the Fort Richardson Room was filled with fifty members and guests, sipping drinks and loudly chatting in small groups. The coordinator tapped the podium microphone, “Please take a seat, let me introduce tonight’s speaker…”

I adjusted the folder containing eight stories I’d planned to read, most from past columns I’d written. For some reason, I wasn’t nervous looking out at fifty unfamiliar faces with high expectations to be entertained. Unusually comfortable and confident, I began.

Two paragraphs into my first reading, giggling erupted, washing over me like an invigorating shower. With each story, the crowd laughed more and I mirrored their energy, until I had to pause to let hoots and cackles die down before continuing. In between stories, I freestyled, engaging with the women like old friends. 

Francis, seated in the first row, saw opportunities to inject himself and took them, reaching over chairs to high five attendees and shouting additional details like, “Of course we had a tinkle jar in our station wagon — I have three brothers!” By the final reading, women were shouting out, “So true!” and “Been there, done that!” between guffaws, and I laughed at their outbursts. 

“My sides hurt,” one hysterical chuckler cried. I joked that I’d pay her to attend all my reading events. 

Though I thought the night couldn’t get better, I raced from the podium to the book signing table, where a long, noisy line was forming. Francis was supposed to handle sales, while I autographed books, but he abandoned his post immediately, too busy joking with attendees. In the jovial mayhem, I fumbled to autograph each book with personal details. 

“Are you a military spouse?” I’d ask, and found that most were either “retired” military spouses like me, or men and women who’d served many years on active duty. “From one milspouse to another … keep laughing!” I scribbled inside many books that night. 

Before going to bed, I mixed a glassful of the Miralax that nearly sabotaged my event. Gulping it down, I realized that those fun-loving strangers were my people. We share a common life story, we speak the same language, and no matter how old we get, we are part of a community that will never retire. 

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Reader Interactions


  1. Sounds like you hit it out of the park at the event!
    Even happier to read how you turned a speaking event into a written success!
    You are a “natural”,
    multi- talented writer AND stand-up comic.
    Few have achieved both.

  2. Love your writing, still. Thanks for making me laugh. I just returned from a mother/daughter week in Austin. The tongue in cheek sweatshirt I bought my, now 43 year old, daughter with a beautiful lady painted on the front with lots of peacock feathers surrounding her face created several belly laugh experiences for Kathryn and me. After all, it was an XL, since the artist had no other sizes, and my daughter loves peacock feathers and I figured a pair of leggings and GIANT sweatshirt might keep her comfy on a movie kind of night. As she was getting dinner for me on my first night in Austin (after opening her “gift”), she turned to me from behind the counter and said, “So, did you get a sweatshirt for Renee, too?” For some reason that just hit the right belly laugh button and we both doubled over. Renee is one of my lovely daughters-in-law. There is NO WAY I would give anyone else that sweatshirt, but every dollar was worth the purchase. When we had a lapse in conversation over our five days together (there weren’t many, I can assure you) I would repeat her cute little phrase “Did you get a sweatshirt for Renee?” The laughter would start all over again like a waterfall. Renee is a peach and a stylish woman, and someday I will share this story with her. Keep on writing, Lisa, you are appreciated and much needed. Love you, M.

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