
Dresser’s Last Stand

“Mom, can someone finally do something about my dresser?” my daughter Lilly demanded this week. “Oh, is it broken again?” I feigned ignorance. “Yeah, the thing is like, totally falling apart this time,” she told me, but I already knew. Two pulls were missing from the drawers. The mirror was perched precariously on its supporting…

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Lost on Memory Lane

Believe it or not, hoarding comes in pretty handy around high school graduation time. Over the years, my family has been concerned about my propensity to save everything from hospital bracelets to matchbooks. But I’ve always felt compelled to squirrel things away, like my old Holly Hobby sewing machine, our daughters’ confirmation dresses, my son’s…

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Housewife Burnout

It took four punches of the snooze button to get me out of bed this morning. I wasn’t tired. Or sick, for that matter. But I was sick and tired. Sick and tired of the same old routine, minute after minute, day after day, year after year, since 1995, when I made the decision to…

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The Elephant in the Bedroom

We’ve all seen those awkward commercials. Unrealistically tall, thin, good-looking actors holding hands in outdoor bathtubs and canoodling in public. The woman has silky long hair and flowing garments that might fall off at the slightest tug, and the man has a rugged jawline, piercing blue eyes and impossibly white teeth. They exchange “come hither”…

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