
Heroes and Hot Dogs

“Why did I come in this room again?” I often mutter to myself, while puttering around my house. At the commissary, I spend the first few minutes mumbling, “Now, what was it that I needed?” Without fail, an hour after entering a Target store, I find myself in the checkout line, inquiring, “Wait, what was…

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I’ll give you ‘American Sniper’ and an ugly cry face

Nope. Never. Not on your life. Forget about it. It ain’t happnin’. That’s what I’ve been saying when asked to host giveaways on my blog for the past several years. But I must admit: ‘American Sniper’ left me a weeping, snotty, patriotic mess when I saw it back in February, so I am proud to…

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The Duke and Duchess of Prom

“Oh, Mom,” my daughter Anna crooned dreamily on the way home from Junior Prom last Saturday. “We went outside for a walk, and he gave me his jacket and held my hand… it was so romantic!” She floated off to her room, her head swimming with fresh memories of Prom Night that will stay with…

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day: Is it real?

The calendar is full of obscure national holidays. Why, in the last week alone, we’ve been encouraged to celebrate National Chocolate Parfait Day, Beer Pong Day, Scurvy Awareness Day, and National Lumpy Rug Day. Last month, we were afforded the opportunity to recognize Ex Spouse Day, National High Five Day, Bat Appreciation Day, and National…

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