
Study Reveals: Bubbly Boosts Productivity

The hamper is overflowing. Tumbleweeds of dusty dog hair are rolling down the hallway. The sheets are due to be changed. The milk has expired. My “To Do” list is three pages long. But somehow, last week I managed to squeeze in time for a browse at my favorite antique shop, a “Champagne and Sparkling…

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Bucketful of Love

My 5th grader’s Harriet Tubman Project is due this week. The car is encrusted in salt and grime and needs new wiper blades. The dog ate an entire jumbo rawhide bone in 20 minutes, and now has a bad case of the runs. Two days ago, I sprouted a cold sore. And tomorrow is Valentine’s…

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The Forefathers of Steeler Nation

I have been in mourning since the big game, and have not had the mental strength to post. But life must go on, and besides, my subscribers turn into ravenous wolves when they don’t get new material. So, to placate the drooling beasts, I am posting my column that appeared on Super Bowl Sunday in…

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Seventh Heaven

As Steeler fans everywhere anticipate upcoming Superbowl XLV, my mind can’t help but wander to football seasons past, when “Stairway to Seven” held an entirely different meaning. It was a typical Western Pennsylvania winter weekend in 1976, and my family was nestled inside our little house on the dead end of North Seventh Street in…

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