
Fighting to Keep the Flame Alive

Walking home with friends last night from the base movie theater, we passed a flagpole on the parade grounds of Patch Barracks. At the base of the humongous pole was a tiny plastic pot with one white chrysanthemum sprouting from its soil. “There’s our flower!” bellowed our friends’ four-year-old daughter, Megan. Puzzled at first, we…

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The Doodies of Dog Ownership

I own a dog. A big dog. With this privilege comes innumerable benefits. Warm companionship, unconditional love, hilarious entertainment, just to name a few. When the idea of dog ownership came up five years ago, my husband jumped on the opportunity to give me something cute and cuddly to nurture that would not need a…

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The Stalkers Among Us

Beware: A menace currently prowls in our otherwise idyllic neighborhoods, threatening to infiltrate our lives and disrupt the social structure in our communities. Once these prowlers take up residence in our localities, we cannot avoid them. They emerge like swarming termites in search of fresh pulp to sink their pincers into. These vermin are relentless….

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The Wheels of Change

Right about now, many parents across our great land are experiencing a nervous mix of extreme terror infused with tremendous relief. As they ship their kids off to college, parents worry that their kids will not be able to survive on their own. At the same time, they rejoice at the return of their freedom….

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