
Glowing up in 2020

I find that the optimal time for one to muster motivation for self-improvement is right after one has polished off an entire pint of ice cream. “Okay, that’s it!” I recently bellowed to my college-aged daughters after tossing an empty carton into the kitchen trash can. “I’m dead serious this time — In 2020, I…

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The Parallels Between Dogs and Men

From a plastic chair beside a burbling aquarium tank occupied by one lonely sucker fish, I relayed our dog’s recent behavior to the veterinarian. “Moby’s been acting … well, funny. He’s walking stiffly, favoring his left side, whining a lot, and he won’t get up for anything except meals, of course. He is a lab,…

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The Bright Side of a Short-changed Holiday

Ever since I realized that we have one less week between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, I’ve been moping around feeling ripped off. We can’t be expected to cram every holiday celebration and tradition into two lousy weeks! There is far too much to do, see, eat, sing, drink and buy before December 25! In…

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Holiday Decor of Yore

I can’t remember that my reading glasses are perched on my head, where I parked my car at the commissary, or where I left my cup of coffee, but I have many vivid recollections of my childhood. Especially of the holidays, when I stored detailed memories of the sights, sounds, and aromas of the season,…

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