
How to eat crabs without losing an eye

Human beings have evolved from their spear-chucking, cave-dwelling, hunter-gathering days. Today’s man walks upright when not sitting in lounge furniture, lights fires with starter logs, and procures meat from the Harris Teeter deli counter. Thanks to the advent of modern-day farms, fisheries and meat packing plants, men can fill their bellies with meat without even…

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How to cook crabs without getting arrested for domestic assault

Last year, while on our annual beach vacation, a rental car pulled up to the corner outside our cottage. Three Asian men got out, with a bushel basket of live crabs, and started arguing with each other in some foreign language. Sensing these men were from out of town, I shouted from our deck, “You…

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Vacationer’s Deadliest Catch

[Or, How to catch Blue Crabs without winding up in the Emergency Room] The Bering Sea crabbers have nothing over summer beach vacationers. Sure, catching King Crab isn’t exactly child’s play, but until one experiences the veritable odyssey of catching, cooking and eating Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab, one doesn’t truly understand the meaning of “deadliest…

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Along came Polly

My daughter has a secret. Despite having reached the ripe age of eleven, she is unable to give up an embarrassing habit from her younger years. It’s not what you think. She doesn’t suck her thumb or crawl on all fours, and we lost her pink bunny security blanket a couple of moves ago. And…

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