
Turns out, civilians are people, too

I never imagined that our family’s old minivan — the budget-friendly 2005 Toyota with embarrassing filth ground into her carpets, a spider infestation, and a pizza box once taped over a broken window — would one day teach me a profound lesson about the innate benevolence of the human race. But it happened last week….

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Losing sleep over Daylight Savings Time

You’d think, after being married to a Navy guy for so many years, I’d know military time jargon by now. But when my husband, Francis, tells me he’s got a dentist appointment at “sixteen-thirty,” I start counting on my fingers and mumbling, “Subtract two …” Although I did manage to memorize Francis’ social security number…

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What I learned while binge-watching the Olympics

Two weeks ago, I obliviously plopped onto my well-worn spot on the sofa to watch the Opening Ceremonies of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Although I knew the general idea behind most of the sports featured, I had no idea what “a double Michael Chuck,” “a hog line,” or “a Bellman spin” were. But after…

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When kids are quiet, something’s not right

“Kids… ,” I’d yelled into our playroom on a regular basis when our children were small, “what’s going on in there?!” Usually, I’d heard roughhousing — giggling, knocks against the wall, creaking couch springs, yips and squeals. You’d think the innocent sounds of our children playing would warm our hearts, but as experienced parents, Francis…

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