Book Review

Snow Day Slumber Party

At the time, I thought it was a good idea. At the time, I thought it would be fun. At the time, I thought it would make me look like Mother of the Year. Yes, at the time. My brain must’ve been frozen when I had the bright idea to allow our teenage daughters, Anna…

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Give up cholesterol for Lent? Fat Chance.

Last week, news broke that the US government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee found that cholesterol in the diet is no longer considered to be a “nutrient of concern.”So, after 40 years of being told that we should avoid eggs, bacon and cheese, we can now belly up to nice big omelet without worrying that it’ll…

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5 Simple Steps to Romantic Spontaneity!

This Valentine’s Day, I’ll be up at o-dark-thirty to drive my husband to the airport for another overseas military work trip. As long as the minivan doors aren’t frozen shut, I’ll load my shivering body into the driver’s seat, clutching my coffee in one hand and the frigid steering wheel in the other. I’ll back…

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When the power goes out

“Do you think you bought enough?” I asked sarcastically, as my husband dropped multiple Stop & Shop bags on the kitchen floor. Winter Storm Juno was on its way, and Francis was determined to be prepared. I had casually mentioned that we might need a gallon of milk and maybe a loaf of bread. Two…

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