Book Review

A Misfit Shopper’s Pledge

Like most families struggling to climb the never-ending series of financial peaks along life’s path, we are in a constant state of semi-panic. Mortgages, car loans, school tuition, music lessons, credit card payments, repair bills, sports fees, application fees, grocery bills, insurance bills, and all the other costs that encumber the typical middle-income family, can…

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Thanksgiving’s Forbidden Fruit

As a kid, my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal wasn’t the turkey. I didn’t drool over the mashed potatoes or my father’s giblet gravy. I didn’t love, or even like for that matter, those miniature pickles and what-nots on my mother’s sectioned relish tray. I thought the stuffing had too many unidentifiable objects in…

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From soup to nuts, and back again

  No sooner did I drop my husband off at the airport, than I felt the tickle at the back of my throat. He was off on a Navy trip to Bahrain for a couple of weeks, leaving me in charge of the house, the bills, the kids, the dog, the trash, the leaves, our…

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The calm before the holiday storm

As you pop that fun-sized candy bar you just rummaged from your kid’s dwindling Halloween booty into your gullet, consider this: You only have two weeks left. Two weeks before the grocery store starts looking more like a Caligula-era Coliseum, when otherwise mild-mannered citizens try to scratch each other’s eyes out and grocery carts become…

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