College Life

Navy Wife Favors Seashore, Despite Shark Uproar

My Navy wife friends and I felt so superior, with our in-your-face nautical-inspired clothing and home decor adorned with anchors and whales and signal flags and boats, as if we were married to Captain Ahab himself. We pitied our poor Army and Air Force comrades, stationed in olive drab Timbuktu, staring out of their base kitchen windows at grain silos. …

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Mayonnaise and Machinations: How I get my husband to eat his veggies

“Where’s the mayo?” our daughter asked recently while standing in front of the open refrigerator doors. … “Mayo’s there. Bottom shelf, bang a left at the cheese,” my husband Francis said without looking up from his newspaper. And there it was, a big jar of Hellmans, exactly where he said it would be. If he had been asked to locate a green pepper, almond milk, yogurt, carrots, or Brussels sprouts, we’d still be waiting …

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Will remote work opportunities bridge the stubborn milspouse unemployment gap?

… what would surprise most Americans is that military spouses have faced Depression-era levels of unemployment for decades.

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Picking Battles with the Mutilation Generation

Our 26-year-old son hasn’t trimmed his beard in three years and wears a brown Walmart sweatshirt every day. Our 23-year-old daughter had her café au lait hair dyed orangey copper. Our 20-year-old daughter wears long, wildly-painted fingernails and a fake nose ring…

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