
The Rack or The Rocking Chair

“Now, pull your right knee up to your left ear,” the therapist told me in all seriousness. I looked out the window to see if any pigs were flying by. It was the first day of my physical therapy at the Newport Naval Base clinic. Upon turning 48 years of age last June, my knees…

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Timeless Tradition

“This ol’ thing? Only cost me $39.99 at Ross,” I bragged to other military wives in the ladies room of the Naval Station Newport Officer’s Club last weekend. Despite my seeming candor, I wouldn’t admit that I’d actually spent a lot more on the torso-girdle-contraption I was wearing under my ball gown. The Navy Ball…

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Dust in the wind, and on my furniture

Dust bunnies are the bane of my existence. Well, that might be a tad dramatic, but let’s just say that I pretty much hate dusting. Then again, my mother taught me to never use the word “hate” so let’s go with this: Dusting is an activity of which I am not particularly fond. (And I…

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Don’t Mind the Gap

All my regular tables in the loft of the Starbucks are taken, so I grab the only available seat downstairs — a barstool right beside the restrooms. I have work to do, but before I start, I spend the requisite amount of time dawdling. Staring out the window, cleaning crumpled gum wrappers out of my…

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