
I Put the Ooze in Loozer

Why did I go over to Al’s apartment that night? It was the spring of 1992 and I was still single. His roommate had already gone to bed, and Al started speaking in a creepy soft tone as he got up from the couch and started turning off lights in their living room. With the…

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War of the Roses

It is a night like any other night. The soft glow of the television winks off, signaling the start of our bedtime ritual. I hoist my weary body out of the hollow it creates in our sofa, and begin my journey down the long hall to our bedroom, flicking off lights and peeking into the…

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Facebook Forensics

Have you contracted the disease? If you are one of the 175 million people who log onto Facebook each day[1], please carefully consider the following important information involving your electronic health. You may be at risk of contracting a new syndrome, commonly referred to as the dreaded “Facebook Fever.” The severe strains of this dangerous…

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Modern Inconveniences — Part III: I want my goodie bag

At age 6, I was married to a policeman and had twins. At age 8, I ruled over a complex society of acorn people who lived in a couple cinder blocks under my neighbor’s tree. At age 11, I was Sabrina Duncan of Charlie’s Angels, ready to follow Bosley’s instructions from my diamond transmitter ring….

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