
2021 Diet Review: What I learned while losing, gaining the same 10 lbs for 30 years

Like many Americans, I resolve to lose weight every New Year. The semantics of my annual pledges may vary — “get fit,” “eat healthy,” “fit into my jeans and still be able to breathe” — and my success rate has been highly unstable. But my motivation is always the same: Rid myself of that stubborn ten pounds of flab that has haunted me since my mid-20s.

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Post-holiday mess motivates monkey-business with machinery

I normally find my ShopVac lounging coyly in my laundry room, playing hard-to-get. I tease him out into the kitchen and fondle his attachments, playing the part of the damsel in distress…

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Christmas in the Box

He had been gone for eight months. At home, life hovered somewhere between controlled chaos and relative insanity. But the kids and I were fine. We would make it to February, when Francis would return from his yearlong deployment to Djibouti, East Africa…

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Holiday head-to-head reveals need for normalcy

“Lilly, wake up!” I whisper-yelled to my sleeping daughter, who looked as if she’d slipped into a coma overnight… Lilly emitted a deep groan, clearly indicating that she’d forgotten the plan: Get up early and be first in line for St. Matthew’s thrift shop Christmas Fair…

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