
The Agony of Da Feet

“What’s that smell?” I asked about a half hour into the trip. My keen olfactory nerves were picking up a repugnant aroma that might only be recreated by locking a bowl of beet pickled eggs in the back seat of a 1974 Galaxie 500 over a long hot weekend in August.

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Pandemic Fashion Faux Pas

For a few minutes last weekend, I was winning at life. My husband, Francis, and I were getting ready for a small gathering of friends on our neighbors’ wrap-around porch overlooking the bay. It was a warm summer evening, my stomach felt flat for once, and I was in the mood for a cocktail.

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Military Wives Not Wearing Pants

Okay, that headline was a cheap ploy for attention, but there may be some truth in it according to my hilarious co-star, author and comedienne, Mollie Gross. We decided to shoot this YouTube video completely spontaneously, without preparation, planning, personal hygiene, and at least in Mollie’s case, pants.

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Appreciating the Art of Baloney

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, people have sought information to quell fear. Over the last five months, the advice given by “experts” has fluctuated wildly, despite having been given with seemingly well-informed confidence.  By now, I think we all realize that it’s all baloney, bunk, BS. No one really knows, “Is it safe for kids to…

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