
From soup to nuts, and back again

  No sooner did I drop my husband off at the airport, than I felt the tickle at the back of my throat. He was off on a Navy trip to Bahrain for a couple of weeks, leaving me in charge of the house, the bills, the kids, the dog, the trash, the leaves, our…

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The calm before the holiday storm

As you pop that fun-sized candy bar you just rummaged from your kid’s dwindling Halloween booty into your gullet, consider this: You only have two weeks left. Two weeks before the grocery store starts looking more like a Caligula-era Coliseum, when otherwise mild-mannered citizens try to scratch each other’s eyes out and grocery carts become…

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The Old Man and the Degree

About an hour into the trip, I blew a royal gasket. “If you think for one cotton-picking minute that I’m just here to play chauffeur while you visit these colleges, you’d better think again!” I blared at my teenage son from the driver’s seat as our car chugged down the Massachusetts Turnpike. I knew our…

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Boo Bags and the Future of Humanity

Perhaps it’s the fault of the Me Generation. Perhaps responsibility lies with our culture of excess. Perhaps Emeril is to blame for teaching us all to “BAM! Kick it up a notch.” Whatever the cause, modern American society has an insatiable desire for more, More, MORE; and nowhere is that more evident than during holidays…

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