
Five tips for better college visits

Listen up, hallowed halls. Take note, institutions of higher learning. Lend me your ears, foundations of educational excellence. You may think you know it all, but even the snootiest universities could use a few words of sage advice from the parents of prospective applicants. I’ll admit, we search for glasses that are perched on our…

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When Mom leaves home

Ah… alone at last with a latte in the airport and plenty of time for people-watching before my flight. That chubby little boy over there with the teddy bear backpack is just precious. Sitting criss-cross-applesauce in his chair. Blue eyes, dark lashes and dimples for knuckles. Aw… Lordy … what’s up with the guy drinking…

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A Blast From the Past: Remembering the 4th of July

What is it about the 4th of July? I think of Thanksgiving and smell the aroma of roasting turkey as the jets under my tongue fire off tiny squirts of saliva. I think of New Year’s Eve, and hear a paper horn blast and see a sparkle of foil confetti. Who doesn’t think of St….

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The Look of Selflessness

“Do you want a boy or girl?” I asked, lazing in bed, seven months pregnant on a Saturday morning. Francis, my husband of fifteen months, lay beside me while we both gazed through the lace sheers billowing over our bedroom window at the sun-soaked Cypress tree in our little Fort Ord back yard. Without the…

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