
Cornerstones and Cannoli

George Washington once said, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent may we be lead, like sheep to slaughter.” It was with this same logic that our kids mouthed off at us recently. “History?! What do you mean we’re going to experience ‘history’?!” Lilly whined from the back of the minivan….

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The Dieter’s Wall

Okay, seriously people, this isn’t fun anymore. It’s been two weeks since I started this diet, and I am officially starving. Don’t give me a bunch of baloney (although processed pork products sound mouthwateringly delicious in my weakened state) about how a low-cal protein snack will stave off hunger pangs. A rolled up slice of…

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Teen Terms

Last night, my husband and I were in the family room of our base house, droning into another morally bankrupt reality show, when suddenly, there was a rumbling down the staircase. “Mom! Dad! Mom! Dad! Mom! Dad!” our 16-year-old daughter, Anna, sputtered, while jumping up and down in front of us. “What is it, Anna!”…

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Give Resolutions a Shot

When the holiday is over, the presents have been put away, and the leftover roast has been made into soup, there’s a part of me that just wants to savor it all. To snuggle up on the couch with the kids in my new pjs, nibbling from the tin of stale Christmas cookies, basking in…

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