
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?

  Dear Mrs. Molinari, Thank you for your completed application. However, the work experiences you listed in section C were all prior to 1996. Without work experience from the last five years, I will not be able to offer you employment with our company. Best of luck, Ms. Julie Robinson, Employment Manager Wait, what? No…

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What’s your story?

Today on television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, in offices, on busses, on the subway — just about everywhere in this country — people are telling stories of where they were and what they were doing when the terrorists attacked our nation on September 11, 2001. Some tell harrowing stories of being in the Twin Towers, or…

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Team Mom Survival Tips

Ah, high school football season. There’s something about the crispness of the air, the sound of marching bands, the sight of a team kneeling around a coach, which makes a parent want to be a part of it all. This urge to volunteer may stem from sincere altruism, but one must beware that helping can…

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The Family Meeting

“C’mon guys!” I bellowed from the kitchen, “You’re late!” One by one, they appeared at our table, each carrying a heavy attitude. My husband had always thought my family meetings were pure nonsense. All this nicey-nicey talking was a complete waste of his Sunday leisure time. When he grew up, you did what your parents…

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