
Milspouses’ best-kept secret: The upside of loneliness

This morning, I peered at my baggy, blood-shot eyes in the bathroom mirror. It had been a rough night. Thanks to wild fluctuations in my peri-menopausal hormones, which are apparently in the throes of death, my hair was a rat’s nest of sweaty tangles…

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Learning to lose, to win

This past month, we all bore witness to the horrific extremes that some people will go to in order to avoid losing…[F]or most of us, personal success or failure is not gauged by national elections, the stock market report, or the Super Bowl. Winning and losing happens in small moments throughout our daily lives…

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Are we on the cusp of a UFO craze?

I dug my slippered heels into our shag carpet and bore deeper into my lime-green vinyl bean bag chair, thoroughly terrified but unable to avert my widened eyes from our console television. The riveting hypnosis scene from the 1975 television movie “The UFO Incident” starring James Earl Jones was imprinting itself permanently into my impressionable eleven-year-old brain.

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2021 Diet Review: What I learned while losing, gaining the same 10 lbs for 30 years

Like many Americans, I resolve to lose weight every New Year. The semantics of my annual pledges may vary — “get fit,” “eat healthy,” “fit into my jeans and still be able to breathe” — and my success rate has been highly unstable. But my motivation is always the same: Rid myself of that stubborn ten pounds of flab that has haunted me since my mid-20s.

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