You may want to grab a pencil and paper, because I’m about to impart a priceless little jewel of wisdom: “There are two sides to every street.”
You may want to grab a pencil and paper, because I’m about to impart a priceless little jewel of wisdom: “There are two sides to every street.”
If you’re anything like me, you are NOWHERE NEAR DONE with your HOLIDAY SHOPPING yet…Well, have I got a DEAL for you on something fun, inexpensive, wrapped and personalized!
Frankly, I’d rather stick a hot poker in my eye than fight the holiday crowds the day after Thanksgiving, when I’m usually sucking leftover turkey from my teeth and watching old movies.
Since my husband, Francis, and I tied the knot many years ago, I’ve cooked exactly twenty six Thanksgiving turkeys… But truth be told, not every turkey I cooked was perfect.
Military Families Hit Harder by Inflation