
The Candy We Keep: COVID-19 Won’t Ruin One Halloween Tradition

Dressed as a friendly witch so as to not scare the tiny princesses and superheroes, I sat on the front porch of our base house with a bowl of candy in my lap, waiting. Peering down at the mix of seasonal sweets I’d bought at the commissary, I felt guilty having included candies that kids avoid just because I wanted the leftovers….

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Sink or Swim: Milspouse taps canoeing memory for strength

It was a hot summer day, and I was just eighteen years old. My best friend from high school had moved away, and everyone else I knew was either on vacation, or too cool to hang out with me. My choices were to stay home and do chores, or head out to find adventure…

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A Farewell to Rinse and Spit

Waiting for the receptionist to call, I counted my fingers. It had been eleven months since I’d been to the dentist thanks to COVID-19. I scraped a fingernail across my front tooth and thought, “The hygienist has her work cut out for her today.”

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Military Life Lessons from Last of Litter

The cranberry farmer reached a calloused hand into the crate and grabbed the loose scruff of one pup’s neck. Holding the limp six-week old yellow Labrador retriever, the farmer grumbled, “You can take this one if you want. The rest are spoken for.”

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