
Fat Tuesday? Fat Chance!

By now, two months into 2017, most people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions to lose weight. I’ll admit it, I give up every year around this time, and the chronic pattern of lose-gain-guilt-lose-gain-guilt repeats itself in perpetuity. Every year, I start out raring and ready to drop ten pounds fast. I pick…

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From the Archives: Bucketful of Love

Our youngest daughter is home from school with a concussion and a sprained ankle from a sledding accident. The steering on the minivan isn’t working properly. The dog ate an entire jumbo rawhide bone in 10 minutes, and has been trying to wretch it up on the carpeting. Two days ago, a pimple appeared on…

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From the Archives: A different kind of Super Bowl party

Here we are, living in New England, and no one has invited us to a Super Bowl party. Oh well, I’ve had worse Super Bowl Sundays. Much worse. Four years ago we were stationed in Florida. And while everyone was gorging on hot chicken wings, icy cold beers, creamy dips, and spicy chili slathered in…

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Those “Base Housing People”

I was emerging from the base gym’s steam room, sweating and feeling a bit woozy, when I heard her. “We don’t do base housing,” a young female officer putting on her blueberry fatigues told a friend in the women’s locker room. She mentioned that she received orders to her next duty at Naval Station Mayport,…

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