
Author of columnists’ bible says Meat and Potatoes of Life ‘blends belly-shaking laughs with poignancy’

A decade ago, after a humor essay I wrote on marriage somehow got published in the Washington Post, I thought, very naively, “Hey, maybe I could be a newspaper columnist!” This flash of ignorant brilliance was not deterred by the realization that I had no idea what being a newspaper columnist entailed. I was published…

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A dose of dirt

I’ve got dirt packed under my fingernails. There’s a blister the size of Delaware on my thumb. My face is sunburned in a distinctive raccoon pattern around my sunglasses. I’m walking with slight limp, thanks to the pain in my knee from too much squatting. This happens to me every spring. As soon winter gives…

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Even garden-variety military spouses inspire

I’ve always been a bit of a loner. This may seem to contradict my image as class clown, columnist, and book author — but it’s true nonetheless, and it has affected me as a military spouse.  I’ve always taken longer than most to make friends. As a young child, I often played alone. As a…

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NY Times best-selling author, Bruce Cameron, reviews new ‘Meat and Potatoes’ book

Back in 2013, I was at the Hilton Hotel in Hartford, Connecticut for the annual conference of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. My blog won an award that year, and Dave Barry had handed me my certificate at the big ceremony on Saturday night. Someone snapped a photo of Mr. Barry and each award…

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