
Ain’t no Florence Nightingale

When I took my husband to the hospital for hip-replacement surgery recently, I envisioned myself playing the part of Florence Nightingale during his post-operative convalescence at home: propping his pillows, retrieving fresh ice packs, delivering steaming bowls of soup and neatly quartered sandwiches, topping off his water with candy-striped bendy straws. But instead, a few…

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Attention-seeking, #MeToo, and the future of ‘The Bachelor’

On Monday nights, my 19-year-old daughter, Lilly, and I commandeer the television to watch a show that admittedly has no cultural value. Mindless entertainment, this reality show isn’t based on reality at all, but rather, it’s a carefully contrived dating competition, in which 30 women compete for the affections of one man in the midst…

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Dust in the wind, and on my coffee table

Dust bunnies are the bane of my existence. That might sound dramatic, but let’s just say that I pretty much hate dusting. Then again, Mom told me to never use the word “hate” so let me rephrase7: Dusting is an activity of which I am not particularly fond. (And I get bonus points for not…

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Sound Off: Has technology made deployments better for milspouses?

For military spouses enduring deployments in this complicated world of internet-based communications and 24/7 news, is ignorance bliss, or is knowledge power? My husband’s last deployment was over a decade ago. Facebook was gaining popularity, but we didn’t use social media yet. And the Skype connection was so bad, we scrapped it as a means…

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