
Bowling for Spouses

Every summer, a fresh crop of newly-PCSed military spouses emerge from housing like swarming termites in search of pulp. They follow other spouses to school, approach them in the commissary, and ring their doorbells, threatening to infiltrate their established social circles. Some see them as a threat, having forgotten that every spouse was once the…

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The Wailing Wall: School Grades Often Miss the Mark

It was 1991, and I was about to graduate from law school. My parents made the nine-hour drive from Pennsylvania to Michigan for the occasion, the first time since I had left home three years prior. I met them at school, eager to show them the place where I finally transitioned from child to adult….

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Goat Yoga With Grammy

It seemed like a terrific idea … at the time. Grammy was coming to visit for her birthday. Over the years, we’d given her every lousy present from ill-fitting sweaters, to redundant casserole dishes, to hardware store gift cards, to complicated electronics she would never use. It was high time we put real thought into…

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The Importance of This and That

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?” Lilly appeared on my smartphone screen after I clicked the video call icon. Now that she was a freshman in college, we tried to talk at least once a week. “Oh, not much,” I said, hearing a jumble of voices in the background. “Where are you, anyway?” “At the library,” she…

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