
Breaking a Sweat: Zumba with a side of Kung Pao

I actually went to the base gym last week … twice. Now, that may not seem like much to you Spandex-ensconsed gym rats with your fancy headphones, overpriced shoes, BPA-free coconut-water bottles, and your level ten treadmill settings. But to me, someone who used mild knee pain as an excuse to take a year-long break…

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The Boy is Back in Town

There is a room in our creaky old base house that we try to avoid. It’s a dangerous hazard, a treacherous obstacle, a toxic wasteland. Those who enter are well-advised to wear eye protection, use a gas mask, and wield a knife, just in case. You see, buried deep in debris and dirty gym socks…

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From the Archives: The Time Has Come

“Is it time?” I thought to myself as I sipped my coffee and stared at our lifeless Christmas tree. I could flip the switch to electrify the tiny lights, top off the stagnant water, and blur my eyes to the curling branches for one more week. Or, I could take the whole damned thing down….

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The Keys to Happiness in 2016

As we board life’s runaway train for another year of twists and turns and ups and downs, I can’t help but wonder, “Will this ride be better than the last?” We make resolutions, but so many factors are beyond our control. The economy, deployments, orders, our health, the future ÔÇô with so many unknowns, how…

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