
My Gut Reaction to IBS

Jumper cables, flares, and a bag of Lay’s potato chips ÔÇô the three most important items to carry in your car in case of emergency. Well, if you have IBS, that is. I learned this little lesson the hard way a few years back. My old boss has always been my mentor, and I try…

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Modern Incoveniences — Part II: Mr. Yuk retired to Boca Raton

I remember the time I stuck my finger in an empty but live Christmas light socket. It was December 1971 and I was five years old. From the couch in the front room of our old house on North 7th Street, I sat in my little flannel nightgown, mesmerized by the glowing electric candle trios…

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My Life on the Middle-Age B-List

We all remember the popular crowd in high school. They were the fortunate ones with just the right amount of athleticism, good looks, fashion sense or coolness to gain them a coveted spot in an elite group of teenagers to whom life seemed to come easily. The rest of us could only look on helplessly,…

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Modern Inconveniences — Part I: I hate lima beans

“Who threw lima beans in the back of the cabinet?” my mother yelled from the tiny breakfast nook off our kitchen. I’d been caught again. At least this time it wasn’t meatloaf. She was really mad about that. But our table, a typical 70s set with faux wood top and groovy brown and gold daisy-patterned…

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