
Volksfest Follies

On Friday night, I cemented life-long friendships with the people sitting at our table at Stuttgart’s Volksfest Beer Festival. Never mind that before the fest, I had no idea who those people were. That’s what happens at these German festivals. One minute you are ambivalent to the whole affair, and the next minute you have…

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Exposed: Filthy Secrets of A Modern Housewife

Every morning at about nine-o-clock, a little ray of sunshine comes through the window of my kitchen and ruins my life. It taunts me, mocks me, and points a gleaming spotlight directly on my flaws, exposing them to the world. I am not sure if that beam of light is a random act of nature,…

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Broads, Bunco and Other Baloney

The candles flickered. The dip was hot and bubbly. The wine was chilled. The tables were set with bowls of tasty treats, score sheets, and trios of dice. I was dressed appropriately in a trendy top, dangly jewelry and fashionable flats. Everything was ready. Soon after the first ding-dong of the doorbell, the apartment was…

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How You Play the Game

In the fall, through the magic of associative thought, a whiff of fallen leaves evokes echoes of marching bands and whistles blown. We feel the cold aluminum bleacher seats and the prickle of wool scarves around our necks. Like Pavlov’s dog, our mouths water as we bring to mind hot coffee at 8 am soccer…

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