
Back to School Duds for a Fashion Dud

Fashion has always eluded me. By the time I clue in to the latest trend, it has hit the clearance racks, which is why I’ve never spent much on clothes and often look a bit outdated. It all started in my primary years when my mother was dressing me in polyester dresses, cardigan sweaters worn…

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Summer’s Rite of Passage

I cautiously reached into the dark, dank cavity and pulled out the filthy, wretched garments. Fearing for my safety, I pinched my nose shut with one hand, and carried the contaminated bundle with an outstretched arm to be disinfected. My son was home from Scout camp, and I had the unenviable job of doing his…

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Sand In My Pants

Despite taking every precaution, I can’t seem to get the sand out of my pants. I rinsed in the sand shower before setting foot in the beach house. I left my flip-flops on the screened porch. I sealed my camera in a zip lock baggie. I kept my sea glass and shells in a bucket…

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Fresh Sqeezed Repression

As I sat in the sterile hospital lobby waiting my turn, I watched a woman casually drinking a tall glass of beer in the nearby cafeteria. People are dying, birthing babies, and having organs removed in this place, I thought, but there’s always time for a beer at the Krankenhaus. My mind continued to wander…

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