
Book Review: Here’s what Kirkus had to say about my memoir

Kirkus reviewers have been called “the toughest,” so when I received an email recently that Kirkus had reviewed my book, The Meat and Potatoes of Life: My True Lit Com, I read it with one eye opened …

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Why Mondays can be a drag in the military

“Oh for criminy’s sake!” I spat at my windshield when I realized that the commissary was closed. After decades of military life, you’d think I’d remember that on Mondays, commissaries traditionally close for restocking. But there I was, for the umpteenth time, in the empty parking lot, my grocery list in hand.

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Sound Off: What milspouses are saying about COVID-19

Recently, I decided to change my “lurker” status, and post something in a popular military spouse Facebook group to which I belong. In my first post to the group, I asked how military families had been affected by COVID-19 restrictions… some comments took me by surprise…

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#OKBoomer: Can TikTok cure Mom FOMO?

I’ll admit it — I suffer from FOMO when it comes to my kids. My “fear of missing out” has caused me to engage in behaviors that are desperate, annoying, and often unbecoming of a mother and military spouse. Which explains why I downloaded TikTok this week.

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