Military Life

Give me liberty, or give me naps!

When the alarm goes off in the morning, and your brain’s cells begin to stir, a myriad of possible “first thoughts” might pop into your head. “The minivan needs gas for the morning car pool.” “Should I forgive my husband for the fight we had last night?” “Don’t forget to get something for Father’s Day.”…

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Announcing: The Mess Hall

In honor of Memorial Day, I’ve decided to get off my duff (whatever that is) and finally create a page just for us military folks. We have our own groceries (aka “commissaries”), our own department stores (aka “exchanges”), our own 7-11s (aka “shopettes”, unfortunately without those delicious Slurpee machines, I might add), so why not…

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The Dog Days

In the fragile darkness of morning, birds chirp outside our bedroom window, heralding the start of another day. I hear my husband snort, scratch, then hit a couple of buttons on his bedside clock to ward off the inevitable alarm bells. My sports swatch emits a beep, but I slap my wrist to make it…

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Does size matter (in marriage)?

Leaf through any wedding magazine, and you’ll think you deserve only the best for your big event. It’s a once in a lifetime thing, after all, so you shouldn’t waste this opportunity to treat yourself, right? Sure. A humongous ring, a gazillion roses, pure silk, fine china, cut crystal, surf and turf, spa treatments, and…

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