military spouses

A Christmas Carol, Redux

Thanksgiving was over, to begin with. For some reason, my sports watch alarm went off at midnight, waking me from a strange dream, in which I was unable to run from a monster, molded from leftover stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy dripping from its outstretched arms, due to the weight of my own enormous…

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Putting the PC out to pasture

I keep things forever. I have my seventh grade yearbook with the Smurf puffy stickers I stuck on it still decorating the back cover. I have my 2005 Toyota Sienna minivan with 82,000 miles on it, a dent in the hood, and Goldfish still under the seats from when the kids were little. I still…

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The Flakey Layers of Motherhood

I was running late, as usual. While checking my outfit in the window’s reflection, I smashed my frizzy bangs down with the palm of my hand. I heard chatter inside and opened the door to find a dozen or so of my neighborhood acquaintances seated around a large table holding the usual brunch fare. At…

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Brotherly Love and Other Forms of Abuse

First, we hear giggling. Then a sharp squeal. The creak of the mattress springs, a bump on the wall, a muffled “Ouch,” then more giggling. “Girls! Knock it off!” my husband yells from his recliner. There is a moment of silence, and then the ruckus starts all over again. I am not sure why we…

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