modern culture

Mind over manners

“Now boarding … Group C … at Gate 19,” the agent announced over the loudspeakers. There were only a handful of poor slobs like me left in the line. The 737 was pretty packed, and since Southwest operates on a first-come-first-served basis, we were in for a real treat. Only a few of the dreaded…

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Voting is no joke: Let your voice be heard

This presidential campaign season has been like no other. The battle between the unusual mix of controversial establishment, infamous outsider, and political fringe candidates has been downright epic. Personal attacks are the new norm, launched daily against candidates and even their spouses. The constant stream of contentious debates, social media brawls, nasty attack ads and…

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Coffee Shop Confessions

“So Lilly, what did you tell Father Kris?” I asked our 15-year-old daughter recently at a local coffee shop. We had just picked her up from a confirmation class retreat, which included confessions with our parish priest. This sacrament is shrouded with an impenetrable veil of secrecy, but we knew Lilly would tell us. “Well,”…

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Savoring the Sweetness of Military Life

“Holy cow, we’re old,” I thought, as we found our seats at a recent Joint Service Military Ball in Albany, New York. The ballroom was filled with over 220 sharp-dressed ROTC cadets and midshipmen from six colleges in the New York Capital Region – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Siena College, Union College, State University of New…

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