modern culture

The Bright Side of a Short-changed Holiday

Ever since I realized that we have one less week between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, I’ve been moping around feeling ripped off. We can’t be expected to cram every holiday celebration and tradition into two lousy weeks! There is far too much to do, see, eat, sing, drink and buy before December 25! In…

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Holiday Decor of Yore

I can’t remember that my reading glasses are perched on my head, where I parked my car at the commissary, or where I left my cup of coffee, but I have many vivid recollections of my childhood. Especially of the holidays, when I stored detailed memories of the sights, sounds, and aromas of the season,…

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A Military Spouse’s Thanksgiving Prayer

Now I lay me down to pray, that I’ll survive Thanksgiving Day. That the special dinner I agreed to host, won’t make me a laughing stock on post. That I will keep hold of my sanity, and have no outbursts of profanity. That our turkey will completely thaw, so that stuffing her won’t require a…

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Welcome Home! You’re in the basement now…

Many of us can pinpoint the time in our lives when we returned to our childhood home seeking the comfort of preserved memories, only to find that our bedrooms had been converted into something else. The TV room, the sewing room, the storage room, the den. This happened to me after I went away to…

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