modern culture

When did Mom become so funny?

I was sitting at our kitchen island with a lukewarm cup of coffee, silently minding my own business. My nineteen-year-old daughter, Lilly, had just come home from her nearby college classes to grab some lunch, and while she sipped spoonfuls of chicken noodle soup beside me, I reviewed my afternoon “To Do” list and quietly…

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College survival requires only the ‘essentials’

“Mom! Where did you put the cups for my smoothie maker?!” my daughter, Anna, yelled from our basement last week while packing for her last year of college. An artsy fashion design major who considers orderliness boring, Anna was infamous in our family for losing things and accusing others of taking them. To help Anna…

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A mother by any other name

Why do we name our babies before they are born? Before we know their character traits, individual personalities, propensities and proficiencies? Prior to marrying a man with a surname prone to misspellings and mispronunciations — Malarney, Mulineri, Marinara and Manicotti — my legal name was Lisa Smith. I never particularly identified with the name. It…

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Space Force: One giant leap for military spouses

While Congress hashes out the details of Trump’s proposed ‘U.S. Space Force” — who will oversee it, how many personnel are needed, whether we can afford it, where will it be located — I am selfishly wondering what the future holds for the military spouse community after this 6th branch of the armed forces stands…

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