modern culture

Have Life’s Rules Changed?

Parking my yellow convertible on the square, I read the words aloud, “’Inherit shrunken head collection. Pay $10,000 for museum to accept it.’ Aw, man!” “Quit yer whining!” my older brother snickered with sick satisfaction. No matter what game we played, he always appointed himself the banker, setting an immediate tone of domination. He snapped…

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DoD scolded in new military family readiness report

Last week, three hot shots from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine presented a report titled “Strengthening the Military Family Readiness System for a Changing American Society” at the Military Child Education Coalition’s National Training Seminar in Washington, DC. The 320-page report gave a scholarly scolding to the DoD for “siloing” and fragmenting…

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Military Appreciation on the Mound

I was running late, as usual. A mini-crisis had erupted on email at home, and typing an emergency response had put me behind schedule. My tires squealed turning past the “Lot Full” sign at the parking lot entrance across from the ballpark. I gave the attendant as pathetic a look as I could muster, but…

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A tribute to summer soft serve joints

A few months ago, I was cursing my place in the world. I mean literally, the actual spot where we live here in “Rhode Iceland.” After my husband retired from the Navy, I thought I could handle the harsh, bitter, seemingly endless New England winters, but every time it snows in April (and it does…

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