modern culture

College admissions scam aside, kids should feel good enough

Back in 1983, I showed up for my SAT test with two number two pencils and a pack of gum. The night before, I talked to my best friend on the phone for two hours, but never cracked a book. I don’t think there were test prep books back in those days. Besides, we figured…

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The doodies of dog ownership, on and off base

There’s nothing that fights late winter melancholy quite like a brisk dog walk on a brilliant, crisp, blue day. A bit of fresh air and sun does wonders for my soul during these long, chilly months. Moby trots happily a leash length ahead of me, with his tongue wagging from his stout English Lab frame….

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Quit stepping on our turf

The beauty of being a columnist is that I can write whatever I damned well please. That is, as long as every column is interesting, timely, unique, well-written, accurate, properly attributed, thoroughly researched, thought provoking, honest, inoffensive, witty, intelligent, and no more than 700 words. Piece of cake, right? Frankly, writing columns isn’t easy. In…

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Punked by my GPS

Last week, I hobbled over our frozen lawn toward my salt-encrusted car, balancing a to-go cup of coffee and two bags slung over each shoulder. It’s a hassle running errands during the doldrums of winter. Opening the gritty driver’s door, I set my coffee in the center console’s cup holder, then decided to hurl my…

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