My Book

My gravy’s better than your gravy

We do it every year. We cut out recipes. We make lists. We go to the commissary. We elbow each other out of the way to grab turkeys, cranberries, yams, and mini-marshmallows. We jam enough food into our pantries to feed an Army, or Navy as it were. Why? Because it’s the holidays, of course!…

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Observations from the field

There’s nothing quite like watching your kids play high school sports. It’s a highly emotional situation for parents, who experience the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, as if they were competing themselves. Certainly, there’s nothing wrong with expressing oneself in this new age; however, each sport has its own unwritten rules governing…

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The Princess and the Pee

“Could you walk P’Nut while I’m out this afternoon?” my friend, Tara, asked recently. It was the least I could do after she endured a week of caring for my dog while I was on summer vacation. In fact, it might take a lot more favors to pay Tara back. You see, Tara’s dog, P’Nut,…

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The Chains of Love

My husband is deeply in love with someone. Someone with a great personality. Someone that makes him feel like a real man. Someone with a really nice tush. That someone is my husband, himself. Now don’t get me wrong ÔÇô I’m not poking fun. In fact, I’m quite jealous that my husband has so much…

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