
Trophies for Participants and Parolees

I grew up in Western Pennsylvania — the cradle of quarterbacks, Steeler Country, the home of those folks accused of “clinging to their guns and religion” — where hard work and home style values are honored more than social position and wealth. An appreciation for football, a hard-knocking sport requiring the kind of gritty strength…

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Sexy Pizza Rat vs. Frankenstein

When I was a kid, Halloween was simple. All we had to do was be scary, be scared, and get candy. But then about 20 years ago, society was hit with a tidal wave of global information technology. Although the full impact of Internet on society is yet unknown, the “Sexy Pizza Rat Costume” is…

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College essays highlight military life

Our middle child, Anna, came home from school crying last week. This is not unusual for teenage girls. In fact, it happens so frequently, that we sometimes have to feign concern. While we might gasp loudly and blurt with outstretched arms, “Oh, Sugar Dumpling, what’s got you so upset?” my internal monologue is really saying,…

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We can dance if we want to

Every year about this time, I go on a half-hearted crash diet involving tuna fish, hard-boiled eggs, and colon cleansing rabbit food. I dig frantically through the neglected stash of garments in the back of my closet in hopes of finding a dress that still fits and a pair of shoes that won’t make me…

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