
My husband, in the bathroom, with the razor

Recently, while scraping the toothpaste plops out of our bathroom sink in anticipation of holiday guests, I had an epiphany. Law enforcement agencies desperately need my expertise. While it is true that our ever-mobile military lifestyle has made it nearly impossible for me to pursue a career outside of the home in my 20 years…

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The Twelve Takes of Christmas

“C’mon everybody!” I bellowed from our living room, “Let’s get this over with!” “KIDS!? HONEY!?” I yelled from behind my camera, which was precariously perched on top of an Anthony’s Seafood matchbook, two beer coasters, three National Geographic magazines, Roget’s Thesaurus, and our coffee table; at the precise trajectory needed to capture a centered image…

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A Misfit Shopper’s Pledge

Like most families struggling to climb the never-ending series of financial peaks along life’s path, we are in a constant state of semi-panic. Mortgages, car loans, school tuition, music lessons, credit card payments, repair bills, sports fees, application fees, grocery bills, insurance bills, and all the other costs that encumber the typical middle-income family, can…

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Thanksgiving’s Forbidden Fruit

As a kid, my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal wasn’t the turkey. I didn’t drool over the mashed potatoes or my father’s giblet gravy. I didn’t love, or even like for that matter, those miniature pickles and what-nots on my mother’s sectioned relish tray. I thought the stuffing had too many unidentifiable objects in…

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