
The Princess and the Pee

“Could you walk P’Nut while I’m out this afternoon?” my friend, Tara, asked recently. It was the least I could do after she endured a week of caring for my dog while I was on summer vacation. In fact, it might take a lot more favors to pay Tara back. You see, Tara’s dog, P’Nut,…

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The Chains of Love

My husband is deeply in love with someone. Someone with a great personality. Someone that makes him feel like a real man. Someone with a really nice tush. That someone is my husband, himself. Now don’t get me wrong ÔÇô I’m not poking fun. In fact, I’m quite jealous that my husband has so much…

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I give and give, but what do I get?

I’m going out on a limb here and say that the majority of you have a bottle of mustard, a can of cooking spray, a stick of butter, or some other food item in your kitchen that you did not purchase. No need to bother with FBI profiling, exhaustive research or statistical analysis. We all…

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Dental Chair Delusions

“Open wider, close a little, a little wider, close, open, wider, not so wide,” says the dental hygienist during my routine checkup, in a constant stream of hushed commands. While she scrapes my teeth, I distract myself with signs on the wall. “Ask your dentist about sedation dentistry today,” one sign reads. With nothing else…

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