“I admit the reality of my creative process: I’ve scribbled most of my column ideas willy nilly on crumpled receipts, torn envelopes, or my hand…”
“I admit the reality of my creative process: I’ve scribbled most of my column ideas willy nilly on crumpled receipts, torn envelopes, or my hand…”
“As soon as we entered Room #3 at the Yachtsman Hotel, my cynical brain took note of the tip envelope on the nightstand….”
Clearly, Anna had been the mastermind, convincing gullible Kaleigh to step on while she hit the “go” button, sending Kaleigh’s bobby-socked-feet up over her head.
Finding Bright Spots On A Dreary Day
“My morning included tiny bright spots, small flashes of light, shiny nuggets of pure gold upon which I could opt to focus.”