
Shooting the Move

It’s that time of year again, when thousands of military service members box up their lives and move to a new duty station. Military folks tend to be fairly organized and well-prepared, but no matter how much planning goes into it, every military household goods move is essentially a craps shoot. Yougo out and buy…

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Lucky To Be Stranded

[Not to worry folks, we made it back safe and sound on Monday, April 26th, only 9 days after our original flight! Regarding my roots:Despite the fact thatI was unable to get an appointment with my regular stylist and had to settle for “Felix” –recently promoted from sweep-up boy and hand masseur to hair stylist…

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On dirty socks, mushy peas, and Icelandic volcanoes

Day 11. Still no end in sight to our incarceration. Our captor continues to blow his stack, making escape impossible. Out of money, toothpaste and clean socks, we all pray for the end….. No, this is not the Diary of Anne Frank, it’s the travel itinerary for the Molinari Family Spring Break 2010. We were…

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For the Love of Candy

No matter how much we hammer the religious significance of Easter into our children’s little heads, their minds default to one thing this time of year: the candy. Sure, they put on flouncy dresses and stiff ties, kneel angelically in prayer, and pose for pictures on the church steps. But secretly, every kid is patiently…

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