
The Importance of This and That

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?” Lilly appeared on my smartphone screen after I clicked the video call icon. Now that she was a freshman in college, we tried to talk at least once a week. “Oh, not much,” I said, hearing a jumble of voices in the background. “Where are you, anyway?” “At the library,” she…

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Military Spouse Appreciation Day is REAL

The calendar is full of obscure national holidays. Why, in the last week alone, we’ve been encouraged to celebrate National Outdoor Intercourse Day, Beer Pong Day, Scurvy Awareness Day, and National Lumpy Rug Day. Let’s just hope that no one threw a party to commemorate all four of these events at one time. Last month,…

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Transitioning by way of bridges

I slow down through the toll booth just long enough for my EZ Pass to trigger the bar to lift and the light to blink from red to green. My car picks up speed on the ramp’s incline. The road rises higher and higher, over the mammoth concrete bridge piers and toward the first suspension…

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My car thinks I’m an idiot

  “Your fuel level is low. Would you like to navigate to the nearest gas station?” an unfamiliar male voice called out. I glanced at the other seats in my new car, but I was entirely alone. Then I saw the words displayed across my vehicle’s digital screen. My car was talking to me. More…

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