Self Help

‘Tis the ‘Season of Change’ for military kids

“When we were leaving Guam, Devon isolated himself from his friends as they were isolating him. We dealt with it by spending more time with one friend and her family that didn’t isolate him and we all became fast friends. Unfortunately she is PCSing in a few months and her mother is telling us that…

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Marshmallows and Military Adventure: Grab ’em while you can

You know those people who open bags of M&Ms and dump the entire contents into their upturned mouths? They’re the same ones who eat icing roses off of birthday cakes, open big presents before little ones, and ask for the good news first. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people. Throughout life, I’ve strictly adhered…

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Yellow Ribbon Program helps families yellow-bellied over tuition

Reality has set in. There’s no turning back. The kids are going off to college. And someone has to pay for it. It all seemed like a distant dream last fall when we signed up for campus tours. “Sure, we can visit that private university that costs $68,000 per year,” we said, believing that something…

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Nobody’s Fool

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve slapped my hand to my forehead and thought, “I’m such a fool,” I’d be rich. They say— whoever “they” are— that one should live without regrets, but for me, regret has always been a part of my schtick. Something in my childhood made me this way…

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