
Piped ashore, but still rocking

At 7:55 am Monday morning, the base loudspeakers blared the five-minute warning, alerting us to the upcoming daily broadcast of our National Anthem. I cracked an eyelid, squinting at the bright sun blasting persistently through our closed blinds. With a mop of tangled hair stuck to one side of my forehead, I heaved my torso…

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Military Retirement Event Planning: Beware of Bridezilla

My husband, Francis, is truly extraordinary. And no one knows it better than he does. Some men humbly avoid excess attention and accolades of praise. But not Francis. He prefers the limelight, and finds no shame in celebrating himself. So, several months ago, when he announced that he would transition out of the military after…

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Once A Military Family

At seven in the morning, the summer sun was already shining hot and bright. I found space among the passengers on the train platform. My husband, Francis, hastily parked my luggage at my feet, inadvertently nicking my toe in the process. “Ooo, sorry Hon, but I’d better get to work … call me when you…

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The Middle-aged Woman and the Sea

Thanks to a guy named Big Victor, I’m finally free of years of bitter resentment. No, I didn’t put a hit out on anyone — although, Big Victor did seem like he’d be up for that kind of thing — I simply went fishing. Ever since I can remember, I’ve idealized fishing. As an awkward…

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